Crystal Technology Bangladesh Ltd.


Our Transformative Projects
SHR Implementation in Hospital Automation

Client: Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)

Scope: Implementation of Shared Health Records in 75+ Hospitals in Bangladesh with Hospital Automation.

Impact: Streamlined patient data management, enhanced healthcare delivery, and improved decision-making.

MFSTC & MCHTI Hospital Automation

Client:Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP)

Scope: Implementation of 2 Hospitals in Bangladesh (MFSTC & MCHTI) with Hospital Automation

Impact: Streamlined patient data management, enhanced healthcare delivery, and improved decision-making.

Training Management Information System (TMIS)

Client:Directorate General of Medical Education (DGME)

Scope:Training management system Development and Implementation. 

Impact:The Training Management Information System (TMIS) has significantly enhanced the training landscape for DGME.

SKH automation

Client: Government Employees Hospital (SKH)

Scope: Implementation of Hospital Automation in Sarkari Karmachari Hospital (SKH) Bangladesh.

Impact: Fully automated hospital system, streamlined patient data management, enhanced healthcare delivery, and improved decision-making.

secretariat Clinic Automation

Client: Secretariat Clinic (SC)

Scope:Implementation of Hospital Automation inSecretariat Clinic Bangladesh.

Impact: Automated hospital working process, streamlined patient data management, enhanced healthcare delivery, and improved decision-making.

SSMC Hospital Automation

Client: Sir Salimullah Medical College (SSMC) Hospital.

Scope:Implementation of Hospital Automation inSSMC Hospital.

Impact:Automated hospital working process, streamlined patient data management, enhanced healthcare delivery, and improved decision-making.

Knowledge Repository

Client: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC)

Scope:Development and Implementation of Knowledge Repository Project.

Impact:Centralized access to a wealth of learning resources for participants,Facilitated knowledge sharing and collaborative learning experiences.

ICT ministry
BDSET Project 

Client:Bangladesh-Bharot Digital Service and Employment Training Center (BDSET) - Ministry of ICT

Scope: Development and Implementation of LMS.

Impact: Diverse range of digital courses, tailored learning experiences, simplified administration and management of digital training programs.

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